OttLite T1397X 13W NLS Swirl Replacement Bulb R3view and Best Pr!ce

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

OttLite T1397X 13W NLS Swirl Replacement Bulb

OttLite T1397X 13W NLS Swirl Replacement Bulb description

See Clearly and ComfortablyThe OttLite 508 Illumination 13-Watt replacement bulb is specially designed for indoor plant growth, and to help you read and see with amazing clarity and comfort. Words practically jump off the page under low heat, low glare OttLite illumination.The output of a 13-Watt OttLite bulb is roughly equivalent to that of a 60-Watt incandescent bulb. So, they use about 1/4 the amount of energy for the same amount of light. However, it's not just about energy-savings, it's also about the quality of the light.
User reviews for OttLite T1397X 13W NLS Swirl Replacement Bulb -

OttLite T1397X 13W NLS Swirl Replacement Bulb features

  • Developed by Garden Club of America award winner Dr. John Ott
  • For use only as a replacement tube with specific OttLite lamps
  • Energy efficient tube rated to last up to 10,000 hours
  • Perfect for growing plants inddors

OttLite T1397X 13W NLS Swirl Replacement Bulb best price


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